Deep Inner Purification

Deep Inner Purification

We are all individually and collectively moving through a period of transition that is teaching us to live honestly and authentically. As a result, we are in a process of deep inner purification, which is eliminating any of the unnecessary or ineffectual energy...
Self Care is Essential Now

Self Care is Essential Now

Our current process of growth and development is urging us to learn how to live from an expanded state of consciousness. This state of consciousness asks that we perfectly balance our heart with our mind, our body with our soul and our inner life with our...
Radical Change is Our Current State

Radical Change is Our Current State

Without change there can be no advancement, no improvement and no evolutionary growth. Resistance to change keeps us stuck in the past and negatively impacts the survival of the human race. At this time, we are challenged to let go of the past, to embrace...
Be Open Minded & Flexible

Be Open Minded & Flexible

When we assume that the world works in a linear, logical and fairly predictable way we limit our ability to embrace change and transformation. We expect certain outcomes and therefore become attached to the ideas of how life should be. As a result, fear of change...
Reflect & Reframe

Reflect & Reframe

The frequency of the incoming energies has increased significantly and is highlighting where we as individuals and as a collective are out of balance within the realms of the mind, our thinking and our consciousness. With Mercury in retrograde the energy moves us...
Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde

Tomorrow the first Mercury Retrograde of 2021 begins and ends on the 20th February. Mercury Retrograde gifts us with the opportunity to revisit, review and reexamine where we are now and where we are going. The energy often works to bring to the surface the...
Full Moon

Full Moon

Today’s Full Moon signifies a crucial turning point in our current evolutionary process.  It is a time of important endings but also of new beginnings.  As such illusions may shatter illuminating our lives and the adjustments we are required to...
No Need to Rush

No Need to Rush

The incoming energies are gathering preparing us for tomorrow’s Full Moon, the first of 2021.  This Full Moon promises to be a powerfully charged portal of transformation.  It will gift us with the opportunity to really choose whether we continue...
Sacrifice what prevents you moving forward

Sacrifice what prevents you moving forward

As we move with the ceaseless flow of incoming energy a new awareness is emerging and with it a recognition of the power we hold to create the life we are destined to live.  Currently the stagnant and residual energy of the old energetic cycle is being burnt...
Find Peace Within

Find Peace Within

As we start the final week of January many are feeling exhausted as we continue to maintain balance in a world that seems to seesaw between extremes.  We have entered into a brand-new world and yet we continue to be challenged by themes from the...