It can be easy to prepare and plan for that which has become familiar and yet, in every moment all of life and everything within it is shifting, adjusting and responding to the continual ebb and flow of creation. Being an integral part in the creation of a new reality and a new Earth, we are required to stay present and conscious to what is unfolding in each moment. In doing so we are able to adjust and adapt to the changes we are required to make.

Currently there is more room to breathe which gives you greater access to the new thoughts and ideas being generated by your soul. You may find these new thoughts and ideas challenge the fixed ideas, concepts and programming of the past. Let them and allow yourself to let go of the old ideas and expectations of how things should be. Move beyond the way in which you would normally respond and react and tune into what is awakening within you now. Pay attention to the sudden inspirations and solutions that come. Be flexible, open-minded and prepared to move forward with new vision. 

This post may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2020 Kate Spreckley

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