Constellating the Mother – Online Event

Constellating the Mother – Online Event

‘Pain travels through families until someone is ready to feel it’ Beyond the Psychological story with our mother, it is important that we heal the energetic bond that exits so that we can deeply connect into our lineages and the support, love and gifts they offer....
Unleashing the Power You Hold Within

Unleashing the Power You Hold Within

Embarking on a journey of healing and growth often leads us to discover profound truths about ourselves and the patterns that shape our lives. In my own quest for healing and personal growth, I became profoundly aware of energetic patterns which fundamentally changed...
Releasing Patterns from the Past

Releasing Patterns from the Past

On my own path of healing and growth I discovered that there is an energetic pattern created in the first 28 years of our lives.  This pattern holds and contains the memories and energy of the emotional, mental, physical and or spiritual experiences we had...
The Importance of Healing in Men

The Importance of Healing in Men

In a world that often places immense pressure on men to be strong, resilient, and unyielding, the concept of healing is frequently overlooked or even stigmatized. However, healing in men is not only important; it’s essential for their well-being, relationships, and...
Why is it important that we do the work?

Why is it important that we do the work?

This week in particular I’ve observed through a number of different situations how those on the spiritual path either don’t know how or resist doing the work necessary for healing to occur.  Yet another man I know took his life this week. A client believes me to...