As we move deeper into March we can expect a continued lightening of the energies. As a result, there is a greater sense of motivation and focus which makes a dramatic change after what seems like months of apathy and exhaustion. We are however still discovering what is out of balance and therefore in need of rebalancing. The imbalances are becoming more and more apparent as much of what we believed is no longer relevant.

With a lightening in the energies there is a growing need for advancement and progress. As such you will find yourself more open to the potentials and possibilities at this time. What you see and what you choose is dependent on how you currently perceive the world around you. If you view the world through the lens of the past your perspective will be limited. If you choose to view the world through the eyes of your soul you will perceive the infinite and endless opportunities that are available to you. 

This post may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2020 Kate Spreckley

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