The Solstice brings forth a new season and represents a significant jump in our journey.  It marks a great turning point and the beginning of a whole new cycle of life.  As the energy of the Solstice continues to move within our world, we are called to remember that in this incredibly powerful time we are expanding beyond the past and into a state of being that we have never experienced before.  As such, it is important that we allow time to feel, sense and experience this new state. 

There is an abundance of pure life force energy currently flooding your system which is transforming your body and creating a whole new body of light.  It will take time to assimilate and integrate all that is occurring, and you are reminded that surrender and letting go are key to managing this time.  Be open to what is unknown and embrace the uncertainty of change.  

This post may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2021 Kate Spreckley

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