We are entering into a new chapter of our healing and growth where careful consideration, discrimination and observation will give us the opportunity to know what steps now need to be taken.  However, we must be mindful that we are being challenged to step out of our comfort zones and as such, we may be required to take some risks while letting go of our habitual responses and reactions.   

Be aware of the habits and patterns you still hold, which suggest that you are not enough and only serve to recreate the past.  With the energy of a new cycle available now you can harness new energy and direct that energy towards expansion and growth.  Remember that you are not bound to the past and that your current life circumstances are in flux and therefore can change at any moment.  Rather than contracting into fear expand into visions of what is possible by looking at where you are being called to shift and what changes are emerging as the old falls away.   

This post may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2022 Kate Spreckley http://www.spirit-pathways.com