2020 is a year where karmic cycles are closing. As a result, we have been and continue to be faced with situations that challenge us to know ourselves, our soul purpose and our very reason for being. We are being pushed into a space of self enquire which is igniting in us greater levels of dedication and commitment. Dedication and commitment to life and the rebalancing that is so urgently needed.
Change can be unsettling as your normal routines and situations are being shaken up. Yet repeating the same old experiences dulls your awareness, your creativity and your life-force. Adversity is challenging you to grow, to expand and to resolve long standing karmic cycles and patterns that are no longer relevant to the new life unfolding within you. Now is the time to maintain an expanded perspective that enables you to stay aligned with your soul. This alignment will bring a deeper awareness of what karma you have to balance and what karma you have to clear.
This post may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2020 Kate Spreckley http://www.spiritpathways.co.za
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