We are all individually and collectively moving through a period of transition that is teaching us to live honestly and authentically. As a result, we are in a process of deep inner purification, which is eliminating any of the unnecessary or ineffectual energy we still carry. This energy is linked to the old patterns, outdated feelings, archaic thoughts, blockages and imbalances that still remain within the collective. 

The energy being cleared now has been held within the human collective for centuries and as such has been deeply rooted within your DNA. Whether you are aware of it or not you are engaged in the dissolution of this energy and may find your current life experiences reflecting this process. You may find that the thoughts and feelings arising now are linked not only to the past but also to previous lifetimes. Do not engage in these thoughts and feelings. Observe them and work through any attachments you may have to them but make sure to let them go. 

This post may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2020 Kate Spreckley http://www.spiritpathways.co.za

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