Shining Light into the Dark

Shining Light into the Dark

The journey of our soul in a human form is filled with experiences which bring healing, growth, and learning. When we see that the purpose of every situation in our lives enables our soul to evolve, we can elevate our awareness and observe our past from a place of...
Leaving the Pain & Suffering of the Past

Leaving the Pain & Suffering of the Past

The form of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies has been defined by the reality we have lived within.  As this reality evolves and transforms these bodies naturally change bringing about a profound shift within all spheres of our...
Reflect & Reframe

Reflect & Reframe

Our ordinary reality is being transformed challenging us to question everything we have considered to be true.  As a result, how we perceive, understand, and view ourselves, our past and our world is shifting.  We cannot detach from what is...
Understanding, Stability & Balance

Understanding, Stability & Balance

We are seeing the fall of an old way of living and being.  The fall of a world that is no longer relevant.  We must allow it to fall and step back from the drama and chaos and into the center of ourselves where our knowing and our faith...
Be Willing to Sit with Truth

Be Willing to Sit with Truth

This is an incredible time of healing and inner work as we move towards accepting change, releasing the old and embracing where we are now.  While our consciousness continues to awaken and expand old beliefs, structures and patterns are dissolving to reveal...