Mercury Turns Direct

Mercury Turns Direct

The world is under extreme pressure to change and transform which is manifesting through the many challenges we currently face.  As a result, the structure of the world is collapsing placing us at a point of dramatic change.  Emotions are being...
Unpredictable Times

Unpredictable Times

2020 has been an explosive year as the incoming energies have brought extreme pressure to our journey of change and transformation. The shadows are being exposed which is creating irrational fears and more uncertainty and chaos. It’s an unpredictable time...
Blue Moon

Blue Moon

The heavenly bodies that dance through our skies constantly immerse us in a flow of energy that powerfully influences our reality. At this stage of evolution, we are more aware of the energies and the impact that they have on ourselves and our lives. As a...
You have the Courage Necessary

You have the Courage Necessary

The expansion of our human consciousness is accelerating at a rapid rate as the intense energies at this time work to burn out negativity purifying our energy systems. The incoming light is breaking through our denial and unraveling the attachments, which are...
Persevere Along Your Path

Persevere Along Your Path

In this time of powerful energy shifts and change we are offered the opportunity to move beyond the illusions of the past and into the truth of our soul. The incoming energy is working to clear the past, which will enable us to move beyond division and into...