by kate | May 14, 2021 | Uncategorised
This week an interesting energetic shift occurred, which is taking us into a lighter more expansive phase. As a result, our hearts are expanding and our intuition is being heightened, which will make us extra sensitive to what is occurring both internally and...
by kate | May 13, 2021 | Uncategorised
Remaining grounded and balanced can be challenging at this time as we are being drawn inward to integrate the New Moon energies. With this integration waves of energy are being cleared from the collective in preparation for the upcoming eclipse season. As a...
by kate | May 12, 2021 | Uncategorised
For some time now the energies of the Earth have retracted, which has given the planet time to rebuild and reorganise her evolving energies. With this New Moon phase there is a surge of Earth energy which is rising to the surface of the planet to merge with the...
by kate | May 11, 2021 | Uncategorised
With Today’s New Moon we are urged to consciously ground and centre ourselves as the incoming energies begin to shift. This New Moon will generate some potent energy, which will carry us forward and into the upcoming eclipse season. As such we are encouraged...
by kate | May 10, 2021 | Uncategorised
With this week’s New Moon on the 11th, we can expect new energy to come in and alleviate some of the heaviness of the past few weeks. These energies will help us to define how to bring into form what needs to be manifested in our lives at this time. There is...
by kate | May 7, 2021 | Uncategorised
This month it is crucial that we establish a strong connection to the foundation we are building within as this will support us as we manage the changes and volatility of this time. The incoming energies can create feelings of tension and pressure as we are urged...
by kate | May 6, 2021 | Uncategorised
In these times of dramatic change, it can be tempting to throw ourselves into life by attempting to accomplish things at the level that we have in the past. However, a more gradual approach is needed as we are still integrating the shifts and changes that have...
by kate | May 5, 2021 | Uncategorised
Today being the 5th of May 2021 is a triple 5 day. The last time we experienced the 5.5.5 portal was back in May 2012. As such we are ending one cycle and beginning another. Five is the number of rapid change and represents the perfected individual in human form....
by kate | May 4, 2021 | Uncategorised
Currently many are feeling blocked, drained, depressed and or exhausted as the necessary changes we are being called to make create difficulty and confusion. The incoming energies indicate the promise of the new however, breaking free of existing challenges comes...
by kate | May 3, 2021 | Uncategorised
In May the dust will begin to settle and we can expect new shifts to occur as new pathways, patterns and configurations are brought into form. This is a critical time in our process of healing and growth where we are urged to take stock of where we are now and...