by kate | Apr 4, 2022 | Uncategorised
‘Every human upon the planet is experiencing a dramatic shift in consciousness which is creating a powerful wave of transformation across the globe.’- Daily Inspiration from Kate Spreckley For more on today’s Daily Inspiration subscribe or sign up to...
by kate | Mar 31, 2022 | Uncategorised
‘Our external experience of life is never certain as the nature of life is to change, to grow and to evolve. Change is therefore a very necessary part of our journey and one that we must learn to embrace and celebrate.’ – Daily Inspiration – Kate Spreckley...
by kate | Mar 30, 2022 | Uncategorised
‘As we gain a deeper awareness of our wounding, we come to understand how our unconscious patterns play out in our lives.’- Daily Inspiration from Kate Spreckley For more on today’s Daily Inspiration sign up to the Spirit Pathways...
by kate | Mar 25, 2022 | Uncategorised
So much of our life has been take up by striving and doing and as a result, we have become overstimulated and exhausted by the external and have forgotten how to be with and flow with the impulses of our soul. As we move through this time of integration, we...
by kate | Mar 24, 2022 | Uncategorised
We have lived within an energetic framework that has conditioned us to experience life in a particular way. As this framework dissolves we are urged to let go of our old conditioning and the outdated stories of who we should be. In doing so we...
by kate | Mar 23, 2022 | Uncategorised
We are entering into a new chapter of our healing and growth where careful consideration, discrimination and observation will give us the opportunity to know what steps now need to be taken. However, we must be mindful that we are being challenged to step...