Keep Your Light Strong

Keep Your Light Strong

There has been a significant increase in the incoming energies this week which is stoking the fires of transformation. We are navigating our way through another round of break down and the conclusion of our connection to the past. As a result, we are seeing the...
External World is a Reflection of Your Inner World

External World is a Reflection of Your Inner World

Right now Venus and Mars are visible in the evening sky together bringing together the feminine and the masculine. As a result, we are challenged to find balance between these two forces both internally and externally. We are urged to find greater equilibrium...
Joy as a Light in the World

Joy as a Light in the World

Tension continues to be a theme this week which is inspiring us to explore innovative and creative ways of finding liberation and freedom from that which is oppressive and restrictive. We are being challenged in a way that can bring feelings of anger and...
New Level of Sensitivity

New Level of Sensitivity

With this past weekend’s New Moon, we continue to ride wave after wave of galactic energy all of which is preparing us in some way for the future. What that future looks like or how it will be no one knows as each step that we take, each transformation we move through...
New Moon – A Welcome Change

New Moon – A Welcome Change

It’s been a pretty chaotic few months energetically and this weekend’s New Moon is shifting the foundation of our lives yet again but in a much more positive way. The New Moon energy is supporting us in moving on from the past and offering the opportunity for a...