Fires of Transformation

Fires of Transformation

We are living in epic times, times that are demanding our full attention, participation and conscious awareness.  As we move towards this months Full Moon Lunar Eclipse the energies are working to bring about something new and unprecedented within ourselves...
A Time of Rebirth

A Time of Rebirth

We are moving out of a time of heavy energy which had us feeling uncertain and stagnant. So much change is occurring and yet we are still unsure of where this change may be taking us. Currently our perspective is shifting giving us a broader view our...
Deeper Awareness of Our Karma

Deeper Awareness of Our Karma

2020 is a year where karmic cycles are closing. As a result, we have been and continue to be faced with situations that challenge us to know ourselves, our soul purpose and our very reason for being. We are being pushed into a space of self enquire which is...
Seeds of Creation

Seeds of Creation

The energies of November are always very powerful as the 11:11 gateway is open for the entire month. The 11:11 code is the seed of creation which unfolds via the elemental forces of Fire, Water, Earth and Air. These forces, which create solar systems,...
Guard Against Habitual Impulses

Guard Against Habitual Impulses

This has been a year of powerful and intense energy, which has significantly enhanced our awareness and expanded our consciousness. Many profound changes have occurred as much of what we previously perceived as reality has come up for revision. As we continue to...